Monday, August 30, 2010

Destiny is Back!!!!

Happy Birthday Jeff.

Oh, man, I am wiped out. We've been working hard this week. Lots and lots of tracting. It's been a good experience for him. and me. His name is Elder Kraft. He is from Spokane, Washington. He has 4 siblings and he is the only member in his family. He joined the church when he was 15 years old and has been active ever since. He is a hard worker and he's excited about it. We have done a lot of walking this transfer because we are running low on miles. I kinda feel bad because Elder Kraft has some leg problems so he has to walk with a cane sometimes. He doesn't need it all the time. I don't know whats wrong with it exactly. I like to use it to our advantage by telling people to give us referrals so that he spends more time teaching instead of limping around tracting. It actually works pretty well. I think I'm gonna get a cane too.

We've had some great tracting experiences. We've handed out a lot of copies of the Book of Mormon. I'm pretty excited about following up with some of these people. There is a lot of potential in this area. I love it.

Yesterday was a 5th Sunday so I asked the Bishop of Mountain Crest Ward if we could teach a lesson about missionary work during the last hour. It was great. The spirit was strong, the Ward got to know us better, members were crying and they loved it. They came up to us afterwards to give us some referrals, so we asked them to invite the person and then give us the name. They said they would do that and we are going to follow up with them later. That's how the L. Tom Perry Program is supposed to work. The members invite and we teach. We don't need names to visit, we need people to teach. It goes over much smoother if someone they trust invites them. There is more success.

Now the highlight of the week. DESTINY IS BACK! let me back up. We met Destiny (Elder Sellers and I) on my first day here in the area. She had a copy of the Restoration DVD and had been watching it every night. She loves that movie. It makes her cry almost every time. Anyway, we had a great lesson with her my first day in the area. We gave her a Book of Mormon and invited her to read. She was excited and wanted to learn more. Then when we tried to make a return appointment she says "I'm going to Mexico for a month on vacation." So a month later we went back to see her. Her mom answered the door and said she will be gone for another month. grrr... okay. So we come back in a month and guess what... she will be gone for another month. So after 3 months of vacationing she has finally returned. We had a great lesson with her. Elder Kraft connected with her very well. I'm excited for her. She wasn't able to make it to church this week but will come next week.

The church is true. This gospel is for everyone. Some are not ready for it, but there are always more seeds to be sown. Be the example and make it happen.

Elder Richards

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