Monday, September 27, 2010

I'm Hungry

Hey thanks for sending the shirts. I haven't gotten them yet.
We should be going to the Temple in a couple of weeks. So you can send the cards.
That is a bummer for Dad. Yikes. I'm actually going to go into the dentist sometime this week. My crown is loose again. Don't worry, a member who is a dentist is going to take care of it. It's still balderdash tho.

So the Book of Mormon challenge went pretty well. We were able to pass out about 30 Books of Mormon this week. It was hard though because we have been sick this week. It might be allergies but I don't think it was. My whole district has been sick. Something has been going around. We drove to Mt. Charleston this week to do some tracting. That was a bad idea. We got there and meh. We were so sick but we went anyway. We didn't drive all the way up there for nothing. We talked to Walt, our only investigator up there, but he was busy and couldn't meet with us. balderdash. But that didn't stop us. We said a prayer and went forth. I am all tracted out. We have a lot of people to follow up with. This coming week should be pretty good.
Now for the highlight the week. Jacklyn Monje had committed to baptism on Oct 16. We've grown really close with the Monje's. They are awesome. We baked them a Cumorah cake a couple of weeks ago and they loved it. A Cumorah cake is when you bake a cake and cut a hole in the middle of it. Then you make a box out of chocolate bars and put a note in it. Then you put icing all over the cake to hide the hidden message and when they cut the cake they find a surprise. Cool huh? It was Elder Kraft's idea. legit. too legit. too legit to quit.

We've been seeing a change in this area. Yesterday during our 9 hours of Church, I remember just sitting there thinking " I love this Gospel. I love being a missionary. I love my companion. I love this area. I love the people. I love my God." I was so peaceful and I felt my Saviors love. This area has taught me many great things. The work is starting to pick up and I'm excited. I am so blessed. I know that my Redeemer lives. What comfort this sweet sentence gives.

Elder Richards

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