Monday, July 26, 2010

Glad you liked my last email. It took me awhile. I had a lot of things to say. it was really cool.
Yeah, the meeting at Cafe Rio was funny. No, I'm not distracted. It was funny because when I got there I saw a short blond girl and a guy and I thought "oh crap, he brought my sister?". But it wasn't them. Then I thought "it would be funny if Lisa was in town and he brought her". And he did. haha. How am I supposed to react to that? Whatever. I just wanted the free food hahaha. It was nice though. She kept calling me "the unspeakable name". That's weird. It's been a long time since I've heard... "the unspeakable name". I want to know how you reacted to it though. haha.
The Temple trip is coming up on Aug 11th. I still have the other names so it's all good. If you want to send more, that's cool too. That reminds me, how did Lisa like the Vegas Temple? It's pretty legit right?

This week was very long. All of the leaders in the mission had to go to a leadership training. It was an 8 hour long meeting 3 days in a row. I was so wiped out. It was awesome but it was long. It was like having 3 zone conferences 3 days in a row. It was pretty intense. It's a new Preach My Gospel program they are starting. They call it the simplified curriculum. It really focuses on the people. Teach people not lessons. It focuses on the commitments we extend to people. It's about the role of the Book of Mormon in conversion, the role of the Spirit in conversion and revelation. It was a lot of info to soak in so I'm still trying to grasp it all. It wiped me out though. The Spirit was very strong and just wow. I'm glad it's over though. Elder Sellers was as wiped out as me. He was ghetto training my grandson because Elder Marsh, my son, had to go to the training too. Elder Sellers is so sick of going on splits because we had to do it every week last transfer because the other companionship in the district wasnt doing so well. Things are going alot better though.

Well, that's pretty much my whole week. Mon- Pday, Tue- District meeting, Wed- Leadership training, Thur- Leadership training, Fri- Leadership training, Sat- lots of tracting because everyone is out of town. Sun- 3 Sacrament meetings. So lots of meetings. And I felt the Spirit touch me in every one of them. The church is true.

Elder Richards

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