Monday, March 15, 2010

Livin the dream


I don't have a lot of time. Busy day. Have to go give another blessing soon. P day always seems like the busiest day of the week. I know. Ridiculous, right?

The missionary work is starting to pick up a little bit. The wards are a lot more open to giving us referrals. That's a relief. They are finally starting to trust us. They've had some bad experiences with other missionaries in the past. We've had to work hard to get that trust back.
We were able to set Sister McCombs with a baptismal date for March 27. It's a really exciting time now for us. This will be Elder Marsh's first baptism. He's very excited and he should be. Some people are very fearful of baptism even though they know it is true. They are afraid of change. I understand though. Change is never easy. But I commend Sister McCombs for her decision. She knows it is the right thing to do.

Sorry to hear about the cat. And Jeff getting his temps haha. And thank Kevin and Heather for the package. It was really nice.

Smile, He is Risen!

Elder Richards

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