Monday, January 3, 2011

My prayers were answered!

It totally snowed this morning. That's right snow in Vegas! le... git!

That's a bummer to hear about Keith. I say don't worry about it. Who cares. It was their choice to get offended. I know that I have offended plenty of people here on the mission. I don't ever try to, but members choose to be offended because they think missionaries should be perfect. I actually got transferred from Lone Mountain because of it. It was the Stake President who wanted me out tho because I was there for 6 months already. He told President Black that I "burned bridges" with some of the members. Which i didn't. A few incidences occurred with some of the other missionaries in my district but we took care of all of those. Everything was fine, but I think the Stake President thought I was burnt out of the area. It was quite the opposite.
Anyway, what I am getting at is that I was really upset to be transferred. But President told me something. He said that anyone who falsely accused me, the condemnation would be on their heads. And they will have to answer for that. So I say don't sweat it Keith. It's on them. That may sound kinda harsh but I've dealt with this kind of crap a lot. And it's a waste of time to dwell over it. Love those that hate you. And they will come around. And if they don't then again it's on them. Everything will turn out fine. Great even!

This week was good. I feel a lot better this week than I have in a long time. The ward is great! Our Ward Mission Leader is awesome and we have some awesome ward missionaries as well.

Now that the holidays are over and our investigators are back in town, now it's time to go get them. I'm really excited about this upcoming week. We had a random person walk into Church yesterday. She has been trying to find our Church for a month now and finally found it. We are meeting with her later in the week and I really look forward to it. Her name is Isabelle and she is awesome.

I've been pondering about being a missionary--there are about 52,000 full- time missionaries out in the world. And there are about 6 billion people in the world. That's a lot of people to cover. We are vastly outnumbered. We need more missionaries! We need member missionaries. If all the members could be missionary minded that would help us out a lot. There is so much work to be done. I love this work. He lives. Shall we not go on in so great a cause?

Elder Richards

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